I have been making some prints in the workshop at University! It is amazing the ellaboration that Letterpress involves but it is really rewarding the final piece. It is a print of your existence! Unless you chit will not get the same print twice!
These two prints I made to be included in two of the articles that I´m designing for U8 magazine, included in the Middle East Section.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Pulp Fiction in Typography
Really good brief for Graphic Motions!!
Jules Winnfield (Samuel L.Jackson)
Typography in Movement. A bite of inspiration!!
How does Marcellus Wallace look to you??? ....What???
Passion about Life
He is a regular contributor to Nation Geographic and GEO magazine
The amazing about this photo is that the camels are the white line!!
Monday, 21 April 2008
Rebecca Horn (1944-Germany/Alemania) Poetry
Rebecca is a German installation artist, but she also writes poetry. Her typographic work is amazing! Like a paint, her installations are a place where you can quiet simply relax and enjoy the trip! It could be described as a projected tale.
Rebecca es una artista conceptual alemana, pero tambien es una poeta. Su trabajo es impresionante! Al igual que una pintura, sus installations son un lugar donde simplemente puedes relajarte y disfrutar del viaje! Podria describirlo como un cuento projectado.
Light imprisoned in the belly of the whale
Horizontal roots,
ramifications of gill/wings
suckled on cold blood
Endlessly alone in slippery corridors,
shapes of air, shapes of moon,
in all this floating where to hold on?
Rubbing the body to create a fire
in the hotel of unborn words,
Bessie Love in Pris, 1928.
In the night words are wandering
like shadows inside the head,
gliding across the marble of water.
A golden rod interrupts the flow
writing in reverse upon black water,
redeems sentences through waves,
kindles a turmoil of signs
in mirrored transparency.
Trembling words search for a new order,
asking the moon for orientation
in the dome of interwoven wods.
Escape from the belly of ramified echoes,
whirling around the heart/pulse of the whale.
My shadow invents its fever,
clasps the cold throb,
sending flames of light
in the centyer of the heart.
Uncertain if love contains deliverance within the fire.
The grain of seed in the word,
nourished in darkness,
unable to fasten the heart/knot,
is light and shadow at once,
floating in the sphere.
A drop of air and water takes shape within the whale
as a scream.
Birth of words,
resounding across the waves,
gliding towards the sun
Rebecca Horn
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Witty Animation
All of us have always an idea, and this animation is one more example about the Beauty of the simplicity
Purple & Brown
Sonata, An animated short film,
The life of a service called
It would be very attractive and long to tell all about Tribe so, I will just say that Tribe was born from an adventure course, Go Ape.
Tribe is a service focused on developing family relationships through adventure and it is a live project on going
Electronic Music Concert
Arrangement of type:
Listen to Brian Eno creates an atmospheric environment. Bubbles floating on the space, roundness and a contrast of peaceful
-spacing; tracking & kerning
-leading, margins, column widths, gutter
-grids aesthetics & divisions
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Red - Yellow - Green
Good subject to think about, a bit abstract but it does open a huge range of posibilities, that is one of the things i like about ABSTRACT in general, creativity go for a pleasent walk around life, in the imagination of situations, expectations, frustractions, and more...
U8 Magazine
I´m currently envolved with a live project, U8
Let me introduce you to U8:
is an National student magazine with one year of life, edited by students from Cambridge University and elsewhere. The U8 magazine is one of the largest student magazines in the world, showcasing articles on international development written by students from around the globe.
The magazine will be over 80 sides long and 12,000 hard copies will be distributed around the world to participating university campuses, as well as to IGOs, NGOs, private companies and governments.
We are a group of 4 graphic designers in our 2nd year at Cambridge School of Art, working and making decisions from typeface to layout, grid, colours, continuity...everything! A very exciting project to be involve with.
My section is Middle East, other articles from a different section are on its way
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Witty in Grand Central
And, do you need computers, materials or anything to create art? In my opinion, the whole project carried out in New York´s Grand Central station is a piece of Art, Art from the 21st Century.
Perhaps we can experiment with it....in London?...